诺贝尔教育 藤校的摇篮

Course/ 课程



Mandarin Class

我校中文课程秉承着要教孩子学习母语,学习一种博 大精深、充满智慧和生命力的文化的伟大目标,在不断摸索中前进。

The Mandarin Courses of our school upholds the great goal of teaching children to learn their mother tongue, learning a culture of profoundness, wisdom and vitality, and moving forward in continuous exploration.


Course Features

1、小班授课:教师可以关注到每个学生,活跃的课 堂气氛利于语言学习;

2、先认字,后学拼音:在学生积累几百字的常用字 后学习汉语拼音,保证学生识字的兴趣和高效;



5、先读后写,层层递进:当学生积累了2000常用字 后,我们开始进行句子、段落,到篇章写作的训练;


1.Small class lecture: teachers can pay attention to each student, and an active class atmosphere is conducive to language learning;

2.Recognize Chinese characters first, and then learn Pinyin: Learn Chinese Pinyin after students accumulate hundreds of commonly used words to ensure students' interest and efficiency in literacy;

3.Recognize first and write later, recognize more and write lessComplete the learning of 2000 commonly used words at the elementary level to lay the foundation for independent reading in secondary school;

4.Intensive reading of texts, with extracurricular reading materials: every class will prepare students with reading materials that match their abilities;

5.Reading first, and then writing, step by step: After students have accumulated 2,000 commonly used words, we start to have sentences, paragraphs, and chapter writing training;

6.Emphasis on the penetration of Chinese culture: While focusing on the implementation of knowledge teaching, we also pay attention to the penetration of Chinese culture.

